Welcome to imyst's Automated Survey Creator
Registered Users. Please login now to manage your current surveys or create a new survey.
New Users. Click create an account for your free account now
and beginning creating surveys immediately. You won't be charged anything until you activate your survey.
The Advantages of Using imyst's Online Surveys. The results you receive from using our surveys will enable
you to gather data more quickly and efficiently and ultimately make more informed corporate
decisions. We provide you with real-time results, response filtering
capabilities, graphical display and analysis, and much more! It's simple to create a survey through imyst and
obtain valuable market research.
Preformatted Surveys. imyst also offers predesigned surveys aimed at assessment and evaluation of
marketing concepts, advertisting, brand recognition, target audience demographics, corporate strategies, website
effectiveness and appeal, pricing, and several additional areas. To find out more about what imyst has to offer,
please visit our additional information and pricing
sections, or take the quick tour.
The Bottom Line. imyst will provide you with a solution for whatever your market research or
information gathering needs may be and ultimately help you find the answers you need to help you improve your
business and customer satisfaction.