Mystery Shopping Information
Mystery Shopping
The mystery shopping industry serves to evaluate the customer service for any company that deals with customer
satisfaction. By sending in anonymous mystery shoppers that complete forms based on their visits to client locations,
mystery shopping companies are able to evaluate the service provided by their clients. From this information
their clients can understand where they are meeting, or failing to meet, their customers’ needs.
Mystery Shoppers
Mystery shoppers are everyday people who are interested in earning money for visiting stores as anonymous
customers, and in the process helping these stores to better understand how they can meet your needs. The first
step to becoming a mystery shopper is to register with us by submitting a profile on our website so that you
are eligible to sign up for mystery shopping assignments. After you have registered, you will be able to view the available
locations in your area, and can then select the shops that you wish to accept. Initially, after accepting
an assignment, shoppers have 72 hours to complete the visit and submit the report. Required materials from the
visit, generally a receipt
or a business card, along with a confirmation form given upon submitting a report, must be sent to Imyst within 24
hours of entering your report on our website. Imyst shoppers that consistently submit quality reports
will be elevated to preferred shopper status. This allows you to select a 72 hour window to complete
an assignment up to two weeks in advance, rewarding proven mystery shoppers with more scheduling freedom. The
requirement for preferred status is dealt with on a case-by-case basis by our staff, and can be revoked if
assignments are not successfully completed by the pre-arranged dates.
General Mystery Shopper Instructions
After you have selected the mystery shopping assignments you wish to complete, you will be required to carefully read over any assignment
instructions prior to your visits. These instructions are always easy to understand, and generally include details
on performing a specific task while present at the stores. After reading the instructions, the next step is
proceeding to the locations you are evaluating, being sure not to reveal your identity as a mystery shopper at
any time. After completing the simple tasks detailed in the instructions, be sure to retain an official
receipt or a business card as a record of your transaction. Then, simply submit a concise mystery shopping evaluation form based on your visit at
our website within the required time frame. Be sure to copy the confirmation form you receive after submitting the
report onto a piece of paper or print out the page, as well as a copy for your records. Simply scan and email or fax in the
receipt or business card with the confirmation form to the address provided within 24 hours of submitting your report, and wait
for your payment.
Getting Paid To Shop
Payment for assignments are different, but they will always be stated prior to your acceptance of the task. Imyst, Inc.
currently makes payments to mystery shoppers by both PayPal and by check.
If you are not already a registered mystery shopper with Imyst, click here to
submit a mystery shopping application.